Hello World

— Don Parakin — blogging

Welcome to my blog.

It’s December 21st. The longest day of the year for night owls and vampires. What better night than tonight to (finally) launch my blog.

Why blog? That’s a really good question. Haven’t I better things to do?

It’s December. Almost the beginning of a new year. It’s a time to be thinking about what better things I could be doing. Like what longer range goals I should be shooting for.

I want to write a book.

There, I’ve said it (typed it, really). Now it’s suddenly more tangible. Not just a thought or a dream. Not something I’ve done before. A worthy aspiration. Yah, a book. Why not? I should at least try.

How should I start? Writing a book, I imagine, might be a little like running a marathon. For both, if you don’t get in shape first you’ll probably crash & burn out of the main event.

Before running a marathon, one would be wise to first run many shorter distances. Before writing a book, one would be wise to first write many shorter articles. Or blog posts!

So that’s why I’ve started this blog. To get my writing back in shape (it was better a long time ago).

My specific goals are:

For now, this blog is for me. It’s for improving my writing, getting back in shape. For readers (if any), if any of it is useful that’ll be icing, not cake.